Onto what I really wanted to talk about...
Sometimes you need to burn bridges because some people don't deserve to have a place in your life. Why have someone in your life that treats you badly? See you around, (jerkface).
Perhaps you were supposed to be there. Perhaps you had a lesson to learn.
Here's a lesson I learned (it finally took root):
when the guy you're dating starts telling you how hard it has been to get over his ex and talks about her often and talks about how much he loved her and intimate details...get out! Tell him to call you when he's over it, no matter how badly you wanted to date him, no matter how much you care, get out. Especially if he pays more attention to her "ghost" and the former relationship more than his current one. Never take a backseat.
Don't stay in it and try to help him get over it. He needs to do that on his own. You are not his therapist.